Friday, 18 January 2019

Tips & Tricks for a Healthy and Connecting Family!

We all know that parents are the pillar of the family, and they are the one who can only teach the children to lead a healthy lifestyle. Having a healthy family can lead to lowering down several health related risks, and at the same time will boost up the chance of longer living. It is only the responsibility of parents to give building blocks to children for a healthy lifestyle simply by teaching them the value of balanced nutrition and physical activities. However, the best method is to implement the same on yourselves so that the younger ones can see and follow it.

Because, parents have only the power to set examples, hence, they can only teach their children how eating well as well as staying active can help in maintaining the proper health of the body. Whereas on the other hand, consuming too many calories and staying lazy can lead to successive weight gain and other health related problems.

Tips to Implement Healthy Habits in a Family:

  • Promote Towards Smart Snacking: Try to prioritize the food preferences of your child. Make a healthy selection in order to promote proper brain functioning. However, it is essential that being a mom and dad, select only whole foods instead of processed one or cookies, sugary drinks, sodas or candies. Make sure to opt for lots of vegetables and fruits and make a habit of snacking on them.
  • Make them learn to eat slowly: A key to a healthy family is that they never make rush when it is time to eat. To make the eating time more joyful, just play a soft music on the table and enjoy each and every bite of the food not just inhaling or gulping it, but, chewing on each and every bite. Give enough time to enjoy the aromas, taste and color of the food. This will not only help your child get inclined towards healthy diet, but, will also promote in proper digested of the ingested food.
  • Care for elders in a loving way: Caring for an elder-ones is one of the best ways to show compassion and service, and it doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice everything. With aging parents and grandparents, the healthy family have strong boundaries to provide them an extended care. Younger ones can highly get impacted on this as how beautifully these decisions are handled – Be it positively or negatively.
  • Put your marital relationship in priority: A healthy family is the one who always keep their marital relationship on priority. If the spouses in marriages are connecting and communicating, everyone in family will be happy and healthy and everything will go on smoothly.
  • Eat meal together everyday: Staying busy is just a part and parcel of our life that cannot be avoided.  But, it is your duty to take out the time from your busy schedule and spend quality time together. Dinner’s time is the perfect time to sit down together and enjoy each other’s company. Make the get together time, be it breakfast or dinner’s time consistent so that each and every family member can eagerly wait for that time and expect to have meal together.
  • Grow in a family garden: Working together in a family garden is the best way to learn more about nature and inhale fresh air. It also keeps your younger ones away from screen and make the habit of getting and playing outdoors.


  1. Amazing one...perfect combination of health and relationship 👌

    1. Hi.. Hope you and your family are well in this corona pandemic situation..It would be great pleasure to hear from you in regard to this blog... Your opinion and suggestions are heartily welcome.


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