We all consume drugs, one or for other reasons. Depending upon the ailments, doctor prescribes drugs. But, for small symptoms like cold, fever, headache, most of us don’t even bother to consult to a doctor, and take medicine by ourselves, isn’t it? But, how many of us know that there are certain rules that one should know before consuming medicines. There are certain languages that is mentioned on the strip of tablet that we are not even aware of.
However, these medicines are exclusively designed to combat against bacterial infections. But, nowadays, its usage is increasing tremendously, which has causes resistant to bacterial. Have you ever noticed that while purchasing medicines, there are certain red line on strip, or are mentioned as Rx, NRx and XRx? So, what does it actually means?
This blog is all about giving awareness on the information printed on medicine strip:
Have you ever noticed that the medicine strips that you bought have red line on it? If you haven’t noticed yet than you must check now that the medicine strip that possess red vertical line on it indicates that the following medicines must not be consumed without doctor’s prescription. Basically, these are the antibiotics that can cause adverse effect on the body of the consumer. Frequent and unecessary consumption of antibiotics can cause resistance to several diseases.
What resistance means?
Antibiotic resistance is basically a state where bacteria becomes uneffective of drugs, chemicals or other agents that is especially designed to cure any diseases. Despite of giving that antibiotics, bacteria remains multiplying and causing harm to the body. It is the bacteria who become resistant to drugs.
A red line on the strop indicates that the particular medicine is a prescriptional drugs, and can’t be sold or uses without the doctor’s prescription. In order to check the illogical use of antibiotics, certain medicine on their package holds red line, that differentiates those medicines from others. This line basically discourages the unnecessary prescription as well as OTC sale of antibiotics that may results into the resistance to drugs.
What is Rx, NRx and XRx on medicines?
- Rx on medicine means that the particular medicine is being given by doctor and should only be given by those patients who contain this prescription.
- NRx indicates that this drug is being written by a doctor on a prescription and must blds a license. Example: anesthesiologist, and can only be given to a patient by such a doctor. The patient is not allowed to buy such drugs from any medical stores without doctor’s prescription.
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